“ClassSwap is our online management system for attendance in our classes.It enables all class clients to have a permanently reserved place in the class of their choice, and manage absences, take ups in alternative classes and holidays online. Once you have completed the enrolment process you will be invited to sign up to the ClassSwap system.”
Q. What happens if I cancel the wrong date?
A. If you accidentally cancel the wrong date from class go straight to ‘Take Up’ and claim that space back (you will be reinstated in class provided that no-one else has booked it in the meantime – so don’t delay).
Q. I can’t get to class, and it won’t let me cancel as it’s less than 12 hours before the start?
A. ClassSwap has a cut-off of 12 hours before class, this is to enable clients time to ‘take up’ the class you have posted.
Q. The class I want to Take Up isn’t showing, how do I go on a waitlist?
A. If a class that you wish to attend is full you can sign up for alerts and if a space becomes available you’ll be the first to hear about it.
Q. What happens if I have scheduled a Swap but won’t make it and it’s less than 12 hours before the class starts?
A. Unfortunately you won’t be able to cancel the Take Up and will lose that class, but as a courtesy should let the teacher know you won’t be there.
Q. How long have I got to use my Take Up/Credit?
A. You now have 6 months to use your Swap
Q. I have a swap to take up but want to attend a class that is a higher level than my normal class?
A. ClassSwap sets compatibility between classes, so all available swaps for you personally will be in a class at the same level or below, however with the agreement of your teacher, we do have a work around for situations like this. Please email me directly and they will organise this for you.
Q. I no longer want to attend my reserved Class but do want to attend another?
A. If you want to permanently remove yourself from a class that you are reserved in, then you will need to cancel your reservation, which can be found at the bottom of the course details. If you have classes remaining, you should also cancel these, and you will be issued swaps. You should also email your teacher as a courtesy and let them know so that the space can be allocated to someone else.